Changing Classics on stage
Der Urspringblog freut sich, seinen geneigten Lesern in loser Abfolge auch Artikel auf Englisch darbieten zu können und dadurch auch Interessierten aus dem englischen Sprachraum die Möglichkeit zur Teilhabe an unserer Berichterstattung zu gewähren. Lesen Sie nachfolgend Wissenwertes über das vergangene Konzert im Rahmen der Urspringer Kulturtage.
On Friday, 22nd April 2016, two events took place at the same time: the well-known Blue Chili Café reopened its doors and the famous band Trio Tino gave a guest performance in Urspring.
While the reopening of the Blue Chili Café will have long-lasting effects, the concert of Trio Tino was likely a one-time event. The band consisting of the musicians Dieter Kraus (Sax), Tindaro Addamo (Guitar) and Markus Braun (Bass) played songs of their latest album Changing Classics – a mix of styles varying from jazz over world music and classical music to tango. They were supported by Polish drummer Tommek Welanyk and his colleague.
The concert attracted many visitors so that the hosts had to fetch some extra chairs for the masses. After getting over some initial difficulties caused by some guitar strings the band played a melodiously balanced concert and pleased the audience with its virtuosity.
The musicians introduced the audience to their songs by telling about the songs‘ genesis and their roots in the Latin American music tradition.
It is unknown whether the band got standing ovations in the end or if the people were only missing some extra seats, however, most of the concert-goers agree that it was an entertaining evening.
Photo licensed by Michael Schroeder